september in the sunflower state

our fourth annual trip out to the sunflower farm. you’d think perhaps by now, liam, the boy who acts as though touching dirt may actually kill him, would be used to the inevitable light dusting our feet get walking through the field of smiling, swaying sunflowers, but no. the kid had to have a quick pout in the grass when the country dirt dared to touch his city-street-walking toes. yep, i nod at the random passers-by. that’s my kid. severely lacking the innate desire of tiny humans everywhere to get dirty.

on the upside, we were greeted with the most spectacular sunshower, and his fit about the dirt didn’t last forever despite feeling as though it might, and we did manage to get a few nice photos of the pair of us, which happens roughly never. so all in all, a trip well made. hoping for a little less whining next year, though. miracles do happen, right?

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